Know More About The Teas

10 facts, tips and ideas about Green Tea.

1. Genealogy
Green, black or white teas, all come from the same shrub: Camellia sinensis. Available in countless cultivars, tea sees its flavour vary depending on the terroir as well as the cultivation and processing methods.

2. popularity
Tea is the most popular drink in the world after drinking water. Nearly 9 billion cups of tea are drunk in Canada per year.

3. Green before black
Before being rolled and dried, the tea leaves are quickly heated so that they retain their green colour and vegetable flavour. Without this process, there would be fermentation and the leaves would fully oxidize to pass from green tea… to black tea.

4. Protector
Avoiding oxidation, green tea contains more catechins, an antioxidant from the polyphenol group. Responsible for the astringency and strength of tea, these tannins are said to prevent certain forms of cancer, including those of the bladder and prostate.

5. The perfect cup
Calculate 3 g (1 teaspoon) of green tea for each cup of water (250 ml). Let steep in hot (75-85 ° C / 167-185 ° F), not boiling, water for 3 to 5 minutes.

6. Iced Tea
Get healthier with green iced tea? Think again. Store-bought iced green tea is often as sweet as black. A bottle (500ml) or even a 355ml can hold up to 9 bags of sugar. It also contains 20% fewer catechins than brewed tea, proof that you gain by doing it yourself. Try our Lime or Ginger Honey Iced Green Tea recipes.

7.Theine or caffeine
It’s the same thing! Linked to other molecules, the caffeine in tea is absorbed more slowly, causing a stimulating rather than an exciting effect. One cup (250 ml) of green tea provides 30 mg of caffeine, almost 2 times less than black tea and 6 times less than filter coffee.

8. Matcha
Reduced to a very fine powder, green tea becomes “matcha”. We add a few spoonfuls to flavour our preparations: ice cream, muffins, yoghurt, sauces… Visit for a delicious banana and matcha smoothie recipe.

9. Japan
In the land of the rising sun, matcha green tea is used for the tea ceremony. It is sieved, then it is whipped with hot water to obtain a creamy foam of a beautiful bright green.

10. Not at mealtime
Tea and iron do not mix well since the first interferes with the absorption of the second. Therefore, it is best to drink your tea 1 hour before or after a meal.
To enjoy the benefits of black tea, enjoy it within the limit of 4 to 5 cups per day!