Green Tea For Fat Loss

Green tea for weight loss?
The benefits of green tea have been known for millennia. Among the countless positive effects of its chemical constituents, green tea offers properties that help rebalance or cure many metabolic disorders and chronic diseases, including weight problems and obesity. The positive health effects of green tea are very numerous and Camellia Sinensis (shrub or tea tree) is one of the most important medicinal plants in the world. It is for this reason that it is also one of the most studied plants, if not the most studied. A certainty that we have already had for a long time: green tea has a slimming effect.

This is not only because it contains almost no calories and therefore does not negatively affect the body’s energy balance. It goes much further, green tea is loaded with ingredients that have energizing effects on the metabolism.

Weight and green Tea – Scientific studies
Many Scientific Studies on Green Tea have been carried out on this subject, in particular on the combination of caffeine in green tea and the famous catechins (mainly EC, EGC, ECG, EGCG) which have revealed in vitro slimming virtues by the fact that it limits the absorption and assimilation of lipids by the stomach and intestine. At the same time, it has been observed several times that the active substances in tea stimulate metabolism (thermogenesis), basal metabolism, energy conversion and inhibit certain enzymes.

Since 2000, there have been more than 40 scientific studies performed on human subjects on the effect of green tea about weight loss and activation of metabolism. Much of this recent research is focused on the isolated effects of catechins (primarily EGCG) and caffeine. More than three-quarters of these studies conclude to positive effects on the parameters studied.

Keeping the line with green Tea
In a nutshell, here are the visibly positive effects of green tea from a “perfect weight” perspective:

Reduced absorption of fatty acids by the stomach and intestines,
Inhibition of the activity of lipases (enzymes involved in the metabolism of triglycerides, glycerols, and fatty acids),
Increase in basal metabolism and stimulation of metabolism,
Diuretic effect,
Bitter chemicals in tea that can inhibit cravings for sugar,
Detoxifying chemicals for the liver,
Participates in the balance of the intestinal flora,
Has an antifungal effect,
EGCG in green tea is excellent for hormonal regulation (eg, hyperestrogenism).
Green tea against sugar cravings
Among the characteristics of green tea, we note that bitter chemical compounds are present in Sencha, Benifuuki and Bancha. Regular consumption of bitter substances changes the taste buds in the mouth (the taste buds) so that sugary foods become less desirable and bitter foods more and more. By this phenomenon, appetite or strong and sudden cravings for sugar or starchy foods (carbohydrates) are reduced. This has an obvious impact on the balance of blood sugar level and its metabolism. As a result, there is a natural regulation of body mass to maintain or tend to sustainably towards its ideal weight.

The human tongue has more taste receptors for bitter flavours than for sweet flavours. The current diet is saturated with sweet tastes and flavours in disproportionate proportions that are therefore harmful to the body. If the bitter receptors (taste buds) are reactivated and frequently used, sweet foods are less clearly distinguished by the palate and lose their appeal, because their taste offers less sensation of pleasure.

Candidiasis and green Tea
It is not uncommon for strong cravings for sugar and starches to be caused by an imbalance in the intestinal flora or an intestinal fungus. Intestinal fungi exist naturally in our digestive tract. These require a lot of sugar to survive and their excessive development (candidiasis) can trigger the urge. A simple and very effective tool in cleaning up the intestinal flora is the regular consumption of green tea, especially Bancha and Sencha. This is not about the effect of bitter chemicals in tea, but catechins, alkaloids and flavonols. The goal is not to fight the fungus directly, but to eat to create an intestinal environment in which it cannot grow excessively. This involves a gradual cleansing of the intestinal flora (diet, stress, lifestyle, hydration) which indirectly leads to a rebalancing of the development of this fungus. Bancha green tea is particularly suitable for problems with the intestinal flora.

Green Tea and detox
Another thing to note is the positive effect of the bitter chemicals and polyphenols in tea on the liver. Both green tea and Matcha green tea powder have a powerful detox effect on the liver. In China, it is an ancient domestic rule that every house should have good bitter tea available. A healthy liver is a pillar of a healthy metabolism and is essential for achieving or maintaining your ideal weight. Sencha and Benifuuki are particularly recommended for this.

EGCG and hormonal balance
EGCG, a secondary metabolite, which has been extensively praised in many scientific studies. This molecule exists in high concentration in green tea. According to these studies, it has a particular regulatory effect on hormonal secretions and in particular influences the formation of estrogen and the attenuation of the hyperestrogenic syndrome. It also helps to achieve an ideal weight and is not unnecessary for people suffering from hormonal imbalances, especially hypoestrogenic which can be a cause of overweight. Too much estrogen leads to an increase in triglycerides in fat cells. If this imbalance is pronounced, it can result in extreme difficulty, or even inability, to lose weight due to excess fatty deposits or thyroid dysfunction. Japanese green teas Sencha, Matcha and Benifuuki are recommended in this case.

Scientific research, ideal weight and green Tea
In the multitude of scientific research on the subject, one very often finds among the observations of individuals consuming green tea a significant effect on the burning of fats and the activation of the metabolism. However, there does not appear to be a direct correlation between the amount of green tea consumed and the reduction in weight load. This is why we should not conclude that we lose more weight if we drink more green tea. Regular daily consumption of quality green tea is a factor in promoting ideal weight. We also remember the fact that most of these scientific experiments are done in the short term. Positive effects on the liver and intestines are felt only in the medium term. This means that in many studies the positive medium / long term effects had not yet been observed.

Scientific studies each use different proportions of green tea. We recommend daily at least two infusions of Japanese green tea of 2 or 3 teaspoons in 0.3l-0.4l, infused for 2 min. at 50-60 °, C. Even more effective is the Complete Daily Weight Loss Kit described below. While there are no other complicating factors or additional health issues, with regular physical activity and a healthy diet, achieving ideal weight is clearly supported by regular consumption of green tea.

Metabolism and green Tea
Is Green Tea Fat Burning? The weight and quality of human metabolism depend on a very large number of factors, so regular consumption of green tea alone cannot guarantee that weight loss will necessarily occur. In the presence of increased overweight, obesity (considered a chronic metabolic disease) is caused by several factors that must be taken into account and addressed to lose weight: unhealthy diet, nutritional deficiency, lack of physical exercise, hyperacidity, hormonal imbalance and hepatic dysfunction. We can count on green tea to “put the wind in the sails” of the various rebalancing processes. It is recommended in very many cases. From the point of health in its entirety, good quality green tea is an excellent remedy. Be careful, however, to choose quality green teas.